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Are You the Type Who Loses Everything? You Need This.

car key finder

We've all had those days where you just can't seem to get out the door. You can't find your left shoe, your wallet or maybe even your car keys. But let's be honest — some of us have those day a little more frequently than others.

If you fall into the “more often than not” category, then you might want to consider investing in a key finder. It'll save you time, money and the stress of always being in a rush looking for your daily necessities. But with so many options on the market, where does one find the best key finder?

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About Nonda's Car Locator Key Finder:

By attaching the small, slim and attractive key fob to your keyring and downloading to the ZUS Smart Driving Assistant App, you'll be able to easily find your lost keys — and more — in seconds.

So, say goodbye to flipping couch cushions and throwing clothes around in a desperate attempt to find the keys you left on a countertop. The lightweight tool, once paired with your phone, will emit an 85db melody from your keyring that will let you know instantly where you last left it.

But, truthfully, if you're almost always stuck looking for your keys, chances are those aren't the only things you misplace on the regular. And that's nothing to be ashamed of, Nonda's key finder can help with those, too. You can, for example, purchase a key fob and attach it your wallet, as well.

And that's not all. Think back to the last time you parked in a parking garage or a big lot and, in the excitement of everything, forgot to look around and take note of where you are. Nonda's key finder can also prevent that dreaded hunt for your own vehicle. Once you park, you can simply click to save your spot and spend all your newly acquired free time doing something more fun than frantically searching for your vehicle.

You can also use the key finder to find your cell phone. The app can force your phone to ring, wherever it might be, even if it's on silent mode. It also serves multiple purposes. The button in the middle of the key fob can be programmed to control your phone's camera, so you can get that perfect group selfie, and record voice memos, so you never forget a task.

If you're still not convinced, consider the long term investment of a key finder. Not only will you save time searching for your belongings, you'll save money, too. Perhaps the most compelling reason to invest in this particular key finder is that it will last so much longer than other brands. It's the only key finder that can recharged — and one charge lasts up to 45 days. Plus, it's made from premium German Bayer PC material, which makes it far more sturdy than its competitors.

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