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Smart Vehicle Health Monitor Mini

Top 11 Tips For Car Maintenance During COVID-19

Did you know that not driving your vehicle can harm it? Vehicles were built to be driven regularly. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented us from driving as often as we used to, we sure don't want to have a problematic vehicle when this whole thing is over.

We've put together 11 car care & maintenance tips when regular driving is not an option, along with how our smart devices can help with that. 


Car Battery

1. Drive your vehicle for at least 30 minutes each week to keep the car battery healthy. A 30 mins trip is enough for the car to send a continuous charge back to the battery.

2. Keep tabs on your car battery's condition, the older the battery is, the sooner it will get drained out. ZUS Smart Car Charger can monitor your battery health every time you drive while keeping a record of the historical data to show you if there's any potential problem with the car battery.

3. If you don't have the opportunity to drive your vehicle for the minimum amount of time each week, or your battery is pretty old signaled by our Smart Car Charger reading, consider disconnecting the battery from the car. This will keep systems like radio or other in-car electronics from draining the battery while not in use. 

 smart car charger


4. Check your current tire pressure with the ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitor or any tire pressure gauge and fill your tires to the manufacturer's recommended air pressure. The number is located on a sticker in the driver's side door panel. 

5. Check if any of the tires need to be fixed from wear-and-tear. If you have a tread depth gauge, that's the perfect tool to use. If not, the easiest way to see if your tread depth is okay or not is to use a penny and stuck it in the tread like the picture.

tire pressure monitoring

If any part of Lincoln's head is covered, then you are still driving with enough tread. Do NOT drive when the tread goes below that level, it reduces the grip dramatically, and your chances of an accident would skyrocket.

6. Check for any slow leaks with the ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitor and have it fixed before it gets worse, then you'll have to replace the tire.  

smart tire safety monitor 

General Tips

7. Keep your oil changed and fresh.

8. Check if there are any engine problems with your car by using a quality car code reader like our FREE ZUS Smart Vehicle Health Monitor Mini. Get the engine error code and fix the minor issue yourself by simply following the description from the App. If it's something significant, be sure the shop you take it to complies with the CDC's recommendations for cleaning, disinfecting, and interacting with the public.  

smart vehicle health monitor



9. Use a car cover to protect the paint after the vehicle has been cleaned. Park the vehicle inside a closed garage if you can. 

10. Disinfect your vehicle's surfaces – like the door handles, steering wheel, and gear shift – each time you use it.


Most Important

11. Keep constant check of your body temperature, wear a mask, and regularly wash your hands when you need to drive out and interact with people. If you are in need of PPEs and couldn't get them, visit nonda community support program to see how we can help.


ZERO-MARGIN PPEs & Face Masks against COVID-19zero margin PPEs

Stay safe

nonda Community Support team

1 comment

May 7, 2020 • Posted by Jeremy

Love the smart car charger and vehicle helath monitor. I had a dirty O2 sensor and the health monitor showed me before the vehicle could trip a code or ruin then O2 sensor which could also ruin catalytic conveter. I also love that i can monitor live data such as the O2 sensor voltage and how it is operating. Ill always use these products thank you so much

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